
As a marketer, you need to do more than just choose the right channels. You then have to work out how to get the best out of those channels to ensure they deliver results.

Thankfully, we’ve selected to finest tactics to maximise results when it comes to Location Based Marketing, and these are all on offer for you.

Fluid Ads - Tactics
Tempting Tactics

At Soop, we get the best out of your chosen channels through our variety of tactics. Making careful decisions every step of the way will always increase your chances of success.

We say that a multi-channel approach always delivers better results. But then layering in the tactics across those multiple channels is where the real magic can be found. You can increase the clickthrough rates of your campaigns by as much as 89% by layering in different tactics. It might seem quite complicated. But the best results rarely come from the easy options.

We’re here to plot your channels and tactics for you. All you need to tell us is what you want to achieve. We will do the rest.

Our Tactics


Becoming the tactic of choice for any savvy advertiser, this advanced location targeting tool builds your audiences based on their real-world movements.

Achieve unrivalled relevance and precision

Place your ad directly in your audience’s hands

Refine campaigns in real-time


The majority of marketers will tell you that Location Based Marketing resulted in higher sales, and Geotargeting is a core tactic for this.

Find and target the right users by their location

Focus your ad spend on locations you serve to reduce wasted budget

Improve user experience by promoting offers for local audiences


Improve conversions by targeting people who have already engaged with your website.

Proven to convert as high as 43%

Retarget first, second or third time web visitors

Create an engaging, personalised ad experience


Advertise on pages that have relevant content, tapping into an already interested audience.

Boost clickthrough-rates and conversions with contextual targeting

Relevant to current online behaviour, not past search behaviour

High impact, cookie-less advertising, aligned with your customer’s mindset


Speak the language of your prospective clients to improve your targeting.

Use words or phrases to best effect

Find relevant audiences to serve ads to

Tap into an active audience with ease


Cherry-pick specific websites and choose where your adverts appear.

Target your audience where they spend their time

Grab a passive audience with industry based content

Huge potential for Location Based Marketing


Take your audience of prospective customers and segment it into groups based on different criteria.

Include demographics, interests, behaviour, intent and so much more

Overlay onto additional tactics to refine your audience

Make your budget stretch further