Try a Pilot Campaign

New to digital display advertising, or want to try out a new tactic, such as Geofencing? Get started with a short term campaign to see how digital display advertising could work for you.

Pixel the Penguin in Plane
No Commitment

At Soop, we are specialists in Location Based Marketing. We use a range of digital advertising channels and tactics to help our clients reach the results they want with their marketing.

Some of our tactics, such as Geofencing, are brand new to marketers. If you don’t know much about it, or you haven’t used it before, it can be hard to know whether this is the right tactic for you.

That’s why we offer Pilot Campaigns. These are short term campaigns where you can test to see how digital display advertising could work for you, with no long term commitment.

This is useful both if you are brand new to digital display advertising, or if you want to try out a new tactic, such as Geofencing.

What's Involved?

Pilot campaigns are run by our Managed Service Team.


We will have a meeting to explore what you’re trying to achieve and what type of advertising could work for you.


We will design your advert and set everything up for you. It’s a fully managed service.

6-12 weeks

A pilot campaign lasts anywhere between 6 to 12 weeks, depending on who you’re targeting and what you want to achieve.


A full proposal with expected timelines will be provided after the initial discovery meeting.


Over the course of the campaign, we will monitor progress and make tweaks to optimise results, always keeping you in the loop.


The whole process is tailor made for your business and your goals. It's totally bespoke to you.


Pilot campaigns start from £3,500, but a full quote is provided when we understand your requirements.

Your Choice

When the campaign is completed, you can choose to end things there if your goals have been met. Alternatively, you can move on to a month by month retained contract where we can build on the pilot campaign to get you more results.

No Commitment

You aren’t committed to anything long term with your pilot campaign. It’s a cost effective way to see how digital display advertising or a particular tactic may work for you.

From £3,500

Our Pilot Campaigns start from £3,500. The Soop team will be able to provide you with a full quote when we understand your requirements and what you would like to achieve during your campaign.

Next steps

Book a meeting with Emma to explore how a pilot campaign can get you more results in your marketing.

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