Case Studies

USP in recruitment while reducing traditional advertising costs

The Client

Our client is a growing start-up company in the recruitment sector, founded in 2020 and serving large clients with up to 200 vacancies per year. The client uses a technology driven approach, operating differently to traditional recruitment agencies in that they offer an upfront monthly fee which enables them to provide high quality results for their clients.

Once the job vacancies have been briefed in from their clients, our client identifies the ideal candidate to ensure the clients key criteria and desirables are met. The role in that month will be prompted via the usual traditional recruitment channels such as job boards, social media, PPC and Display Advertising.

The Challenge

Traditional recruitment channels are great for users looking for jobs and our client knew that anybody presented with the right opportunity (right job, location and salary) has the potential to switch, so they wanted to find a way to target this kind of passive candidate audience. A passive audience being someone not actively looking for a new job but is in a similar role.

Using traditional display advertising previously delivered no results and so a highly targeted approach was required to tap into passive audiences.

The Solution

Soop joined forces to quickly identify passive audiences through Geofencing Advertising. Geofencing technology allows users to draw polygon fences around desired locations which place markers on users that pass through the fence enabling Ads to be served for up to 30 days.

Our client used the Geofencing Ads feature within the Soop platform to identify locations for particular employers and competitors to deliver highly targeted ad creative around the open job roles.

The Result

The Soop solution provides our client a new USP in the recruitment space in being able to access passive candidate audiences for their clients.

Passive audiences allow our client to find users in similar roles resulting in better candidate quality and the opportunity to target ad creative to entice or poach interest. Soop reduced the traditional advertising costs for our client by being less reliant on job boards. Using Geofencing Ads to define hotspot locations, our client is able to find a highly qualified audience to promote roles of which some have seen CTR performance as high as 11%. The success from the initial trial concluded in our client bringing the ad creative process and full end-to-end management to Soop.