Case Studies

Private healthcare provider improves recruitment & increases new business

The Client

Practice Plus Group is an independent healthcare provider that is passionate about providing great healthcare. The organisation operates with the firm belief that anyone should be able to access excellent care, be it through NHS or private services. Helping their patients to maximise their wellbeing and live life to the full, Practice Plus Group’s healthcare services range from surgeries, diagnostics, general practice, offender health and urgent care.

The Challenge

There were three particular challenges that Practice Plus Group wanted to address through digital advertising.

  1.   Promotion – Practice Plus Group wanted to promote their ‘Self-Pay’ scheme which allows people to get treatment for their ailment more quickly by funding the procedure themselves.
  2.   Recruitment - Recruiting quality people to join the team was becoming more challenging. However, in order to support their expansion plans, Practice Plus Group needed to fill a number of vacancies across multiple disciplines.
  3.   Offline Activity Support – The organisation was executing a number of offline activities and they needed their online activity to support it. For example, they were doing a direct mail drop and they wanted to strengthen it with a synergised digital campaign.

Practice Plus Group approached the Soop team looking for a solution that could help them with all of their challenges.

"We came to Soop with quite a few challenges, and they were able to find intelligent solutions that gave us the results we wanted."

The Solution

At Soop, we know we can never effectively support our clients without first properly understanding who they are and what they want to achieve. Before we did anything, we had a number of discussions with Practice Plus Group to make sure we had all the necessary information so we could move forward in the right way. Looking at all the challenges together, we proposed a three stage solution for Practice Plus Group.

  1. Active Users – Identify the people who are actively looking for suitable services through keywords, search terms and competitor information.
  2. Passive users – Use certain filters to retain the audiences who are more likely to require Practice Plus Group’s services now or in the future. This will include certain job roles, sporting interests and life stages.
  3. Retargeting – Identify the people who have visited the website and then promote a targeted message to them via digital display. This well-used tactic is a useful mechanism for reminding people who have shown some interest in a product or service why they should return to the website and look again.

The Result

The three stage process worked extremely well. By utilising a combination of Active, Passive and Retargeting tactics, we were able to promote the services to over 1.2 million relevant individuals, with 2474 clicking through to find out more. The recruitment initiative was particularly impressive, gaining:

  • More than 1 million impressions
  • 1834 clicks
  • 35 complete quality applications for open positions
  • Huge awareness for potential candidates

The offline marketing activity was also well supported through our clever thinking approach:

  • The digital advertising targeted specific household addresses via Geofencing to complement the mail drop campaign
  • Delivered to 35,000 households

Next Stages

Following the massive success of the initial campaigns, Practice Plus Group decided to do further work with Soop, and we have now run 10 separate campaigns for them, with a variety of departments now engaged with the activity. The ongoing nature of how we’re now working with Practice Plus Group has meant we have been able to get smarter processes in place, the opportunities have been scaled up, and we are more streamlined in how we work together.


We followed up on the initial Self-Pay campaign, this time targeting passive and active users. The first part of the campaign supported some offline direct mail, and the second campaign broadened the search to target more passive users, increasing the focus in areas that were struggling with self-pay take up.


We continued to do more recruitment campaigns for Practice Plus Group, with the follow up campaigns focused on either a particular event or a particular role.

The Outcomes

Practice Plus Group have been so happy with the results, they are now continuing to work with Soop in the long term. Recruitment is an ongoing challenge in healthcare, but the more information we get, the better we can support them, and the more intelligent the advertising can be.

Practice Plus Group said: “We came to Soop knowing what our challenges were, but the way they were able to ask us all the right questions, really understand what we wanted and then apply their knowledge to get the best results for us was fantastic. The results far surpassed what we were expecting, and we quickly learnt that the more you do, the better your adverts will be, as we kept looking at the results and learning over time. It was an easy decision to continue to work with Soop, and we can’t wait to see what else we’ll be able to achieve.”