Case Studies

Niche audiences deliver CTR’s 1000% higher than average

The Client

The Soop team devised a digital display strategy to drive awareness, consideration and action for a niche target audience within the satellite technology space. Combining precision targeting techniques like geofencing and contextual keywords to find exactly the right prospects online, the campaign achieved unprecedented clickthrough rates leading to new multimillion dollar deals for the client.

The Challenge

With more than a decade of experience in space, Satellogic wanted to find new ways of getting in front of their niche B2B and B2G audiences, to promote their Space Systems offering, whereby organisations can acquire a Satellogic satellite – delivered in orbit.

The Solution

Our solutions was to devise a digital display campaign to build a custom audience which was highly qualified. Combining precision targeting techniques like geofencing and contextual keywords to find exactly the right prospects online.

We worked with the client to build bespoke geofences and a tailored list of related keywords that were likely to be present in articles read by their potential audience. This was then overlaid with key demographics further refining the targeting to C-suite prospects.

The Result

We reached the niche audiences associated with the satellite technology industry and achieved unparalleled click through rates - over 1000% higher than the average - driving high quality traffic to the client’s website.

The results were:

  • Contextual insertion - CTR over 2.15%
  • Some individual keywords - CTR over 3.6%
  • Significant new business won