Case Studies

Aid Agency uses Geofencing from Soop to increase Brand Awareness with their key demographic

The Client

An international aid agency that provides humanitarian relief and development programmes in over 40 countries, helping people across the world by responding to disasters, rebuilding lives and preparing people in the event a disaster strikes. The aim is to highlight the crisis and act as a means by which others can donate money to help fight poverty through their values, expertise and global reach.

The Challenge

The aid agency wanted to target their key demographic with a branding and fundraising message at two key times of the year. Their key demographic is people of Muslim faith and they wanted to target users across 7 specific countries for a month whilst at prayer during Ramadam. The aim was to increase brand awareness with this audience to encourage donations to the charity.

The Solution

We met their needs with a geofencing digital advertising campaign. Geofencing is a location based targeting tactic that allows campaigners to draw virtual borders around certain locations to better identify and target users.

The International Aid Agency identified the addresses of all their key religious locations which were loaded into the Soop platform to target their key demographic with Digital Ads. With the right audience ready to target we designed a powerful but informative display advert with key messaging. The call-to-action (CTA) was to urge users receiving the brand message to donate to the charity.

The Result

The campaign delivered fantastic brand awareness results at 207% to the original target, putting theInternational Aid Agency in front of 2,630,663 unique people. This resulted in 5825 clicks at a 0.19% click-through-rate (CTR) which is 4% above the Industry average. The campaign also delivered on the donation expectations of the charity.